

Feb 2019・6 month

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Justpunch Screen Pictures

The project

Daysk is an online marketplace that offers office workers or freelancers various spaces such as co-working spaces, restaurants, galleries or shrines as comfortable and inspiring workspace. In this app user can filter seats by amenities such as power, Wi-Fi, non-smoking, food and free drinks and reserve available seats.

My Role

UI/UX Design

Logo Design

Front-End with HTML/CSS



Adobe XD

Adobe Illustration

Github, Docker

Working Style



Feb 2019・6 month

Product Owner

Curio Inc.




As a core value of using the app is to increase the creativity of the user by working in an inspiring and comfortable workplace. Orange color was chosen as a primary color because orange calls to mind feelings of energetic and uninhibited.

Daysk Guideline Color
Daysk Guideline Typography


Finding a seat was one of the most important features of this app. After a few user interviews, we assumed that users do not like to spend a lot of time finding a seat nearby, unlike to traveling apps such as a booking hotel app. By limiting the number of seats that the user can see in a view to just three,users can quickly find and book nearby seats with just three taps.

Justpunch Screen Pictures

Checkin and Checkout

Justpunch Screen Pictures


After the user has booked a seat, user can every time check his booking reservation detail in a left tab of upcoming. In the right tab user can check the past reservations.

Justpunch Screen Pictures

Thank you.